Tanzanite ..... a fabulous fluke of nature!
Rough Tanzanite
Once the supplies are exhausted, the the-generation gemstone will become a "historic" stone sought by collectors worldwide.
585 Million Years ago:
More than 585 million years ago, near the foothills of Kilimanjaro, the world's only tanzanite deposit was created by tectonic plate activity and intense heat. The conditions in the formation of Tanzanite saw random incorporation of vanadium, the unique color range's chemical responsibility.
The actual discovery of Tanzanite remains something of a mystery. The most widely accredited narrative suggests that in July of 19687, Ali Juuyawatu, a local Maasai tribesman, found a piece of the translucent crystal near Mount Kilimanjaro. Fascinated by its blue-violet hue, he shared his find with Manuel D' Souza. At first, it was thought that the stones were unusually vibrant sapphires, but it was soon discovered to be something much more meaningful - and entirely new gemstone.
New yorks's celebrated jewelers Tiffany & Co. heard about the new precious stone discovery in Tanzania and were the first to bring this dazzling gemstone to the world. They christened the latest find "tanzanite" after its country of origin. At Tanzanite's official launch in October 1968, and advertised proudly stated that Tanzanite is only found in two places in the world: "in Tanzania and at Tiffany's."
Tanzanite quickly rose to popularity, becoming the world's second most beloved blue gem, surpassed only by sapphire. In 2002, Tanzanite joined turquoise and zircon as the accepted birthstone for December. That was no small feat, as this was one of the only updates this list has seen since its creation in 1912.
Tanzanite is the suggested gift for the 24th wedding anniversary.
Tanzanite can only found in Tanzania in a tiny mining area ( approximately 7 km long and 2 km wide) near the Mirerani Hills.
Tanzanite is associated with the celebration of new life and new beginnings and given to mothers after giving birth.
The discovery of Tanzanite has significantly impacted the Tanzanian economy.
The world's largest rough Tanzanite was 16,849 carat ( 3.38 kg, or 7.46 lb) stone.
What makes tanzanite so special is that it is pleochroism. this means that the gemstone can have multiple colors in different viewing directions. Tanzanite is purple, blue and (burgundy) red at the same time. The gem may, therefore appear from the top purple and blue from the side. Tanzanites are found only in East Africa in Tanzania. It is a very rare gem indeed.